An elderly man sits in a salt mountain landscape.
«COEXIST» by Komeil Soheili, Iran 2019


Iran 2019, Doc., 12 Min., OV/d
Director: Komeil Soheili

Amidst spec­tac­u­lar land­scape shots, this film ap­proach­es the life of an ex­traor­di­nary old man. Dela is blind and he is the cap­tain of a fish­ing boat on Hor­muz Is­land in south­ern Iran. Dela nat­u­ral­ly plays an un­usu­al role in fish­ing. How close­ly he is con­nect­ed to the land­scape and the sea is al­so ap­par­ent when he makes his spe­cial paste.