A young man in a wheelchair looking into the camera from some distance
«BEBEN» by Rudolf Fitzgerald Leonard, Germany 2022


Sunday, May 7, 14.00h
Free admission (Donations)

Following the screening, lead actor Luis Brandt, director Rudolf Fitzgerald Leonard and producer Annika Birgel will be on hand for a Q&A.

Programme (Duration: 80 min.)

Picture: A woman in a wheelchair and her assistant doing exercises


Vic­to­ria is in a wheelchair and has prob­lems speak­ing. As her long­ing for ten­der­ness and sex grows stronger, she cre­ates a pro­file on Tin­der with the sup­port of her as­sis­tant Ida. An ex­cit­ing jour­ney be­gins for both wom­en.  


Aldrig för sent – gympagrupp 90+

A doc­u­men­tary about a very ex­clu­sive fit­ness group. The av­er­age age: 93 years!  

Picture: An elderly man sits in a salt mountain landscape.


Dela is the cap­tain of a fish­ing boat. He lives on the is­land of Hor­muz in south­ern Iran. His life is in­ter­wo­ven with the sea, the salt and the fish.  



Leon lives with cere­bral pal­sy and has in­tense epilep­tic seizures. An in­ci­dent dur­ing his wa­ter ther­a­py dis­rupts his life. Key­word: cy­ber­bul­ly­ing.