A woman in a wheelchair and her assistant doing exercises
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«Alive» by Jimmy Olsson, Sweden 2020


Sweden 2020, Fic., 23 Min., OV/d
Director: Jimmy Olsson

Vic­to­ria is in a wheelchair and has prob­lems speak­ing. When she meets her as­sis­tant Ida’s boyfriend, Vic­to­ria’s long­ing for love, ten­der­ness and sex grows stronger. Ida helps her to set up a pro­file on Tin­der and soon a match is made with Håkan. This plunges Ida in­to in­tense in­ner strug­gles, es­pe­cial­ly as this Håkan doesn’t look at all like a suit­able man for Vic­to­ria in her opin­ion. An ex­cel­lent­ly nar­rat­ed and bril­liant con­tri­bu­tion to the au­ton­o­my of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties.