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«Egg Cup Requiem» by Prisca Bouchet / Nick Mayow, New Zealand 2019

Egg Cup Requiem

Neuseeland 2019, Doc., 12 Min., OV/d
Director: Prisca Bouchet, Nick Mayow

90-year-old John­ny Green has amassed sev­er­al thou­sand egg cups in­to a unique col­lec­tion o­ver the course of his life. Breath­tak­ing­ly de­tailed pho­tographs of these ob­jects form the back­ground to John­ny\‘s nar­ra­tive. His pow­er­ful­ly pre­sent­ed mem­o­ries re­veal the ori­gins of his pas­sion, trau­mat­ic child­hood ex­pe­ri­ences and a man who has come to terms with his life.