Profile of a young boy's face watching the outdoor surroundings grimly
«Sky» by Loes Janssen, The Netherlands 2015

Int. Competition 2

FRI, 18 September, 12.30h
SAT, 19 September, 17.30h


Picture: Profile shot of an anxiously looking young man


Richard’s journey started a long time ago. At the age of 19, being on a holiday abroad, he plunged into a world that existed only in his mind.  

Picture: Profile of a futsol player in action

Even Field

Meet Keryn Seal – a professional footballer, paralympian, husband, father of three, and a working man – who also happens to be blind.  

Picture: Profile of a pensively looking young boy outdoors


Sky is nine years old and has a significant hearing impairment. «Does it matter whether your perception of reality is real or not?»  

Picture: An aged woman bowling while overlooked by a small robot

L’année du robot

The human being and a robot as an artificial counterpart. A study on the cognitive dissonance and on a mysterious relational space between them.