«Where I want to go» by Laura Belinky, UK 2013

Where I want to go

UK 2013, Doc., 16 Min., OV/d
Director: Laura Belinky

Since then, she has been speak­ing to young peo­ple about the dan­gers and de­ceit­ful­ness of the beau­ty in­dus­try. Natascha De­von’s path to a suc­cess­ful ca­reer as a mod­el seemed mapped out. How­ev­er, it took a de­ci­sive turn when Natascha al­most died as a re­sult of her eat­ing dis­or­der. At that time, she found­ed an or­gan­i­sa­tion and speaks to young pe­ple about her own ex­pe­ri­ences and the dan­gers of the beau­ty in­dus­try. An im­pres­sive con­vic­tion of the «one­size­fits­all» body.